Back to School Advice for Government

Schools back for another year!

For people in this province, the usual concerns of back-to-school schedules and costs are layered with another problem - the growing list of issues in our education system.

Our Leadership Candidate was on VOCM Backtalk today highlighting some of the mess and mayhem created by this government in Education- in particular, the secrecy that surrounds what should be public information (all endorsed by Bill 29!)

The rash decision by Government to move to a super school board is not going down well with a lot of folks. Government is trying to create this board without any consultation with the people or without any real research, it appears. They refuse to release any information that supports their short-sighted decision.

Jim pointed out that the minister still refuses to release two pieces of information he promised earlier the year - the detailed cost-savings and the legal opinion  associated with the mega monster board. The school transportation system is in total disarray - Government commissioned a report,  and still won't act on it.

The NLTA and the NL Federation of School Councils are also worried about Budget cuts - some 160 people were axed in the last budget and they know it will affect the front-line services despite the Minister's protest that it will not.

Ironically, the Minister released a press statement today welcoming students and staff back to the classroom and talking about working together for the pursuit of excellence in the education system.

Advise to Government - get back to the basics - listen to People, stop hiding information, show leadership and take some real action!   Then you will get an excellent report!

Team Jim Bennett